Sunday, 18 November 2012


my first 9 weeks at art school has flown by, ive now specialised in fine art so will be back in my home comforts for the rest of the year :) ive enjoyed testing out the other specialisms during the rotations- design and fashion but glad to be doing what i enjoy the most.

the theme of the design rotation was 7, not the most riveting or enthralling theme. i found it difficult to come up with something interesting to base my work on but eventually settled for the literal interpretation and stuck with the number 7. this was the ending result...

i LOVE the outcome.there are 7 decorative hangings- my tedious link!there were three sections in the design rotation, 3D, graphics and photography. the 3D aspect is obvious, i photographed the dream catcher and put some instagram filters on as my photography aspect (ha) and made up some random organic interior design company which would be selling the dream catcher, just to please my graphics tutor. 

i also had to create a concept board, possibly the most fun thing involving words. james and i made it into a study sesh.

ps james is back in abu dhabi d/boooooo again :(

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