Wednesday, 9 January 2013


my creativity has been flowing as of late and ive took a huge interest in stitch art, resulting in me creating some of my own- i just love it!

my current work in progress
sticktwist mouline on calico 

developing a 'not-taking-the-pen-off-the-paper' sketch with stitch
cotton on card

santa brought me a great gift, cheers! 

stitch work is so portable, just great

another load of picciez as usual:

life drawing
charcoal on paper

my college tutor held a barn gig where his folk band headlined; the evening was pure bliss

the gig even had a free bar! 


new christmas cracker dress

james and i went to honcastle, we found a right gem of a shop

james finally discovered the shop he's been yearning after for a long time, it had such a beautiful atmosphere plus you could smoke inside!


christmas drinks with the arty types

new year fancy dress, flapper girl

james has never looked so radiant


the bet'ster, flowing my sucky finger lead 


found this little beauty in my garden

nooooom, todays' dinner

Wednesday, 5 December 2012


its that time of year when we need to write those 4000 characters which will determine the next 3/4years of our lifes; AAAAAARGH! ive followed my usual ethics to deadlines and left it to the last minute; ow how i wish my attitudes differed in such cases.

James in York
once again my boy's gone to work in sunny Abu Dhabi whilst the snow is falling here in Grimsby, but i have no complaints about the weather, just his absence 

Tuesday, 20 November 2012


oil on board
september 2012
hairy abstract piece based on cecily brown and a violent dream i had involving pink hair, hence the heavy brush strokes and hair.not the greatest fan of the composition. 

Sunday, 18 November 2012


my brother said these jeans give me a granny bum- i love granny bum!
im a new employee at BHS allowing my to get this £10 topshop crop for £5.50 cheers to arcadia discounts!


my first 9 weeks at art school has flown by, ive now specialised in fine art so will be back in my home comforts for the rest of the year :) ive enjoyed testing out the other specialisms during the rotations- design and fashion but glad to be doing what i enjoy the most.

the theme of the design rotation was 7, not the most riveting or enthralling theme. i found it difficult to come up with something interesting to base my work on but eventually settled for the literal interpretation and stuck with the number 7. this was the ending result...

i LOVE the outcome.there are 7 decorative hangings- my tedious link!there were three sections in the design rotation, 3D, graphics and photography. the 3D aspect is obvious, i photographed the dream catcher and put some instagram filters on as my photography aspect (ha) and made up some random organic interior design company which would be selling the dream catcher, just to please my graphics tutor. 

i also had to create a concept board, possibly the most fun thing involving words. james and i made it into a study sesh.

ps james is back in abu dhabi d/boooooo again :(


been out and about recently machester, hull, london- to the v&a and tate modern, the v&a was beautiful.. since james' generosity purchased me an iphone all other forms of of technology have been none existent. my creativity has flourished recently, creating small none time consuming studies.

3 minute ink,water colour sketch of my tutor using my opposite hand- right hand although stated left, wups. 

tits fashion illustration based on Cecily Browns work. 

3D sculpture displaying tensegrity. all materials in the workshop had been used up so i decided to be resourceful and go twig picking. this represents the yoga pose king dance pose.

my fashion ration work was based on Cecily Brown; i had to collect a series of photocopies, fitting my theme, to experiment with emulation printing, this was the result...

make shift fancy dress for a halloween gig Valys played 

james' fancy dress started as slender man, by the end of the night a classic representation of a stella artois drinker

i made myself a head wreath to be worn as part of a sugar skull get up but never got to wear it :(

got some high waisted jeans from hull, my first pair of jeans since i was about 13; i've missed the denim!

Friday, 12 October 2012


self portrait, 2010
oil on paper
cobalt purple and cadmium yellow to display chiaroscuro without the use of black